Well, times are getting hard everywhere. Sometimes it makes people do things that they wouldn't normally do. It also makes them resort to extreme measures. Well, here we caught on film a normally mild mannered librarian holding up the library board members of her system. Apparently, she was unhappy with her pay/work ratio. She was demanding a raise, which in this economy is just unheard of, so you can already tell she wasn't in her right mind. Rumor has it that she has been watching a lot of westerns and reading books in the suspense genre that focus on crime. Another thing going through the grapvine is that she forgot to take her medicine. We don't know if any of these things are true, but we are happy to report that the employees of her system received a 4% pay raise. We can't say if it is from her efforts or not. We suspect it is from the hard work of the bodacious director of their system, but don't tell her that. That may be what puts her over the edge. We wouldn't want to be responsible for any more incidents of violence.