Saturday, June 29, 2013

Travelin' Man Day 3

Well, we'll put this day down as the shortest day of riding so far. About 80 miles into this day Iron Man (Steve's bike) began rebelling against the heat. It started with speedometer quitting, then there were a couple of hiccups and nothing. The charging system was kaput. Thank goodness for HOG roadside assistance. It still took over an hour for the tow truck though. So what's a guy to do?
Enjoy God's beautiful creation and man made technology of course. At least it wasn't raining. After the tow truck arrived, Steve got a nice smooth ride to the nearest Harley dealer in Osceola, IA.
The owner of the dealer and the head tech guy stayed a bit overtime on a Friday night to check out the bike and determine that the stator had went bad. (Love these guys already and I've never even met them. Can't imagine the dealer in Jackson, MS would even consider that.) The game plan was for Rodney to go to Des Moines first thing in the morning for the part.  Hopefully they'd be on the road by lunch.  Until then all they could do was find a hotel.  So why not find one in sight of the dealer? If you know Steve, you know he's not going to let even the building his bike's in very far out of his sight.
So on day 3 they only made it as far as Osceola, IA rather than the destination of Anamosa, IA.  But you know what they say? It's not the destination, it's the journey. 

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