Monday, April 6, 2009

All-Time Favorite

Here is what I guess is turning into my monthly post. Most of you know that one of my favorite past times is reading to children. I love story time, but I also go and read to kindergartners at the school at least once a week and I read to other groups whenever a teacher asks. Sometimes it's difficult coming up with books that you enjoy reading and that the kids enjoy listening to as well. I always try to find new books to share with them, but in the end everyone who reads to kids has the old favorites they fall back on. This is mine. Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude by Kevin O'Malley. I started reading this book when it came in my library five years ago when my son was in kindergarten. It was an immediate hit. (Back then I was still on the back of a bike, by the way.) I had to read the book more than once that year to my son's class. Since then it has always been a hit with whatever age group to whom I read it. The premise is a boy and a girl telling a story together for a class project. Of course it goes wildly different directions according to which one is telling it. At the end I always ask who liked the girl's or boy's story better. Inevitably, there are girls (like me) who prefer the boy's story to the girl's (blech!), but every once in a while there will be a shy little boy who raises his hand because he likes the girl's story better. I respect that in a man. I got a surprise this winter though when I subbed for my son's class for a couple of days. Of course, I brought books to read to them when we had time. What surprised me is that several of them asked for the motorcycle book. They were shocked that I didn't bring it. I thought for sure these grown up fourth graders were way too mature for a book that I had read to them in kindergarten. They were genuinely disappointed though, so of course I went to the library and brought it the next day. They were so happy. It also felt good to have my 30 seconds of being the cool mom. Who knows? Maybe someday I'll be reading this book to them as seniors. A librarian can dream, right?


maggie moran said...

That's a nice dream ~ Grandma Reader! :)

aja said...

Hi from down under! I know this is an old post to reply to but having stumbled across your blog, and this particular item I had to comment.
I, too, am a biker librarian, one of a group who make an annual tour of public libraries big and small across our state of New south Wales. We ride over 3 or four days and take our motorcycles to public libraries to help get them some publicity - bikers visiting libraries is unusual. It works, we get articles in local papers, radio stations and even some tv coverage. What drew me to tjis post of yours, however, was the story book you mentioned. In december of last year on Biblio turismo 2011, we stopped at gunnedah Public Library. Our tour leader took storytime with the kids and read that very book. It went down a treat and after the story we wheeled a bike (Ducati no less) into the library and the kids had a ball posing for photos on it. It was an absolute hoot.
anyway, if you're interested google biblio turismo and you can read our blog from past years (sorry haven't updated the december trip yet). I also wrote a blog called BeeTeee my experience of Biblio Turismo covering the 2009 trip. Lots of photos. Anyway, happy touring.