They were done with the bike by 12:30. Big shout out to Chipp's Harley Davidson in Osceola, IA. They really went the extra mile to help Steve get back on the road. Even fed the guys lunch. They treated them as well as our local dealer Chunky River in Meridian, MS treats us.
Now on to Anamosa! This day was not a long day. Only 173 miles. Of course about 70 of those were into a 35 mph head wind and another 25 in pouring rain. Trust me it doesn't matter how much rain gear you have on. Riding in the rain is miserable. They made it to their room by 5. Iron Man ran great all day. Now all they needed was a hot shower and to dry out.
That room isn't a mess because two guys are staying in it. It's because every surface is draped with something that needs to dry out. The whole place smelled like wet leather. That's not nearly as pleasant a smell as dry leather. I imagine they both slept like babies this night because they knew they finally made it. And the next day they would be at J&P Cycles 34th annual rally. Albeit a day late.

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